la mulţi ani


Cumnatu’ meu
Nicu de la bloc
Nicu Papuc cu care tare munţi am mai făcut…şi petreceri cu vodca adusă in diplomat…
Nenea Nelu, sa-i traiasca ginerele proaspat
Nea Nicuţu (Neculai al Mariei), şi să mai bem şi să ne mai veselim
Bodu (e rândul meu să îl ţin la mine în casă un an)
Hei, La Mulţi Ani lu’ fetele mele dragele. Gemenele. De care a zis nea Aurel (veneam cu ele plus sora lor la Ploştina, zice ,când ne ajunge Iţă cu maşina din urmă pe drumul de la Lopătari de la rată, zice “mă Cristi mă, da’ tu numa’ trufandale aduci” La fetele mele e zi de naştere de fapt, şi mai serios.
Care mai eşti?


Hell is not hot. Hell is not cold either. Nor is it crowded, no. There are no demons in hell, only those from your mind.

Hell is darkness, and nothing else. You wake up after you died, and you are nowhere. Because there is no “where”. You don’t open your eyes because in hell you don’t have eyes; you just become, suddenly, aware. And you are in the dark. Real dark. You think you know dark? – wait until you die. Hell is darkness and awareness. You’re wide awake, you’re wide aware, but it’s dark and nothing else. The world of senses is gone, you don’t feel anything, because there is nothing to feel with, there’s nothing to be felt, because you are in a void. You are a void. A conscious void. You can’t remember feeling; you remember something, though, you remember that there is something about you that you should remember. Oh, you remember, you know how is it to be not-in-hell. You know what you are missing, you just don’t remember how; the flavors, the sounds, the colors. You remember information, but only that. “It was the most beautiful sunset I’ve ever seen – the colors were magnificent” – you know exactly what a sunset is, you know exactly what a color is (a wavelength), but you don’t remember them. It’s just information.

You are nowhere. Hell is eternal. It’s just you and the eternity.

sunt doar eu
şi singurătatea mea,
două umbre
ce se confundă cu fundalul

And you are wide awake. You are wide aware. And you can count seconds and eons, one by one. But they never end.