alternate endings

The Order of the Phoenix

Chapter 28
Snape’s worst memory

“You will not tell anybody what you saw!” Snape bellowed
“No,”, said Harry, getting to his feet as far from Snape as he could. “No, of course I w-”
“Get out, get out, I don’t want to see you in this office ever again!”
And as Harry hurtled toward the door, a jar of dead cockroaches exploded over his head. He wrenched the door open and flew away up the corridor, stopping only when he had put three floors between himself and Snape.

“Get out, get out, I don’t want to see you in this office ever again”
Harry hurtled toward the door, and almost tripped over his robe. He managed to catch himself on the doorknob and swung the door wide open. He made it to run out but stopped and turned around at Snape, with an odd expression on his face. His hand left the doorknob and fleetingly flew to his scar. Quietly, almost dreamily, he said: “Professor Snape… my father… he said he bullied you because… because of the fact that you simply existed”. Snape gripped the edge of the table to steady himself. He forced an icy, calm, sarcastic voice, although he felt like boiling.  “Yes, you got the facts correctly, didn’t you? Almost as smart as you father, aren’t you, Potter? Get. Out. Now!”. Harry was fixing a point somewhere behind Snape’s right shoulder. “And that’s why you bully me, professor Snape, is it not? It’s more the fact that I exist.”
In the sudden silence that fell like a autumn fog, Harry suddenly snapped his eyes into Snape’s. He gasped, turned around, and fled the room.
The seconds passed by, uncounted. After what must have been more than twenty of them, a jar of dead cockroaches exploded in the door left ajar by Harry’s hurried departure, showering the corridor and the office’s entrance with glass shards and brownish dusty dead insects.

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7 thoughts on “alternate endings

  1. Meanwhile, Snape looked scornfully at the dead insects cloud and mumbled for himself “Moronic creatures, indeed. I wouldn’t expect some sophisticated attitude from a bunch of small common bugs. No-one can tell the difference between a vulgar cockroach and the Jung’s beetle. How disappointing is that? I’m profoundly displeasured. Ten points from Gryffindor”.

    Then he moved by the window, with a dreamy look in his saturnine eyes, and whispered for himself: ALWAYS turn to page three hundred and ninety-four when in doubt or lack of sarcasm!

  2. hihi, io n-am nici un point, just kidding.
    The friends from tumblr would understand me 🙂

    (unul dintre comentarii la iutubul de mai sus: 5 people turned to page 393, hihi)

    Cat despre hint, e unul singur, Snape se abtinea si el cat putea, ca om era: Harry semana prea bine (fizic) cu tatso, ala de il atarna pe Snape copil cu capul in jos in copacul din curtea scolii.

    Pana si mie imi vine, din cand in cand, sa explodez cate un borcan cu caca de cotoi in camera lui Mihu (cand uita sa faca curat la) sau unul cu cercei desperecheati in camera lui Miru (cand rezolva, vorba vine, exercitiile la mate cu puteri in ritm de unul pe doo ore).

  3. exactly my point. dacă aș fi fost rowling și aș facut din snape un băiat bun și un om brav în final, aș fi aruncat mai multe hinturi cum că precum snape e furios pe el însuși (din când în când măcar) pentru că se comportă ca un copchil (și transferă pe harry nervii lui cu james). m-am gândit că asta ar fi o scenă bună în care harry i-ar reaminti (fără să vrea neapărat) fix acest lucru.

    că faci o parodie m-am prins, d’aia întrebam și io unde e hintu’

  4. Pi tocmai faza in sine, borcan cu gandaci morti, e hintu’ de care zici 🙂

    Cineva spunea (pe tumblr, evident) ca a recitit seria HP dupa ce le-a terminat (si a vazt si filmul) si a gasit hinturi de la autoare (apropo de Snape, evident) pe care nu le “citise” bine din prima.

    Io una n-am incercat esperimentu’ dar ma amuz copios (exasperandu-l pe Masiu, de ex) de modul in care l-a jucat Alan Rickman pe Snape (inclusiv accentul, nene), facandu-l memorabil si iubit de firile sensibiloase.

  5. pai io nu prea vad hintul in gandacii morti.

    ideea mea este ca Snape are fi trebuit lasat sa ofere ceva mici indicii (ceva mai putin ezoterice decat borcane cu gandaci, orice poate fi interpretat ca un indiciu in cazul asta), indicii, deci, ca are momente in care regreta atitudinea lui fata de Harry Potter, ca isi da seama ca e ceea ce ii spuse si Dumbledore, “you see him how you want to see him”; daca Snape este totusi omul brav si dedicat si care a regretat sincer trecutul, te astepti sa fie (macar uneori) constient de propriile slabiciuni si de faptul ca se comporta (in continuare) ca un adolescent frustrat, te astepti sa se fi maturizat oleaca, carevasazica (si, printre altele, sa treaca peste râca dintre el si James Potter).

    Rowling a ales sa faca din Snape personajul misterios (a-la Sherlock Holmes, cand totul este relevat la final), si a cam exagerat, parerea mea. Putea sa il faca mai credibil (iarasi, parerea mea).

    Alan Rickman este fenomenal, intr-adevar. L-am vazut in Love, actually si (un rol delicios) in Galaxy Quest (un film, in sine, delicios)

  6. Eh… așa sunteți voi, intelectualii… veșnic cu “ce-o fi… dac-ar fi… “, alea.
    Io întreb simplu:
    Cine strânge cioburile… și dă cu aspiratoru’ după mizerie?

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