anunţ pe listserv

Dear colleagues,

I am very pleased to announce that Toshiko and I decided to “tie the knot” on June 13th, right after the commencement. The official ceremony will take place in the MU quad and will be witnessed by Dr. Sharon Rosenkoetter and Dr. Carmen Steggell. There will be no party following the ceremony since we are in the midst of preparations to move out of the country. As some of you might already know, I got a research position at University of Bern, Switzerland, and we will be leaving the USA on June 19th.
We want to thank all of you for the encouragement and support to complete our degrees.

Cris Dogaru
Cristian Dogaru, MD, PhD
College of Health and Human Sciences
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331
322 Milam Hall /105 Bates Hall

13 thoughts on “anunţ pe listserv

  1. Casa de piatra!

    Abia cand am venit in America am realizat ce urare profunda este de fapt. 🙂


    Ce să zic, frate, îmi pare rău că nu o să fiu acolo. Dar, într-un fel sau altul, o să fiu.

  3. ooooo, felicitari! ca sa vezi, in timp ce unii se pregatesc de tirguri de carte, altii se tin de chestii life-defining 🙂

  4. Pingback: Felicitarile, masa si dansul « Din jurnalul unei gospodine ratate

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